Escort Caracotl to Michotl Grounds

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Escort Caracotl to Michotl Grounds

Event maps
Escort Caracotl to Michotl Grounds.jpg

Event Path

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort Caracotl to Michotl Grounds is a level 11 dynamic event that starts in Desider Atum and leads to Michoan Marsh.


Caracotl in Desider Atum before event


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 497 Experience.png 68 Karma 16 Copper coin
Silver 423 Experience.png 58 Karma 13 Copper coin
Bronze 373 Experience.png 51 Karma 12 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 11 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





Event start
Caracotl: Michotl Grounds is a dangerous run, but I've never missed a delivery.
Caracotl: Care to see me through to preserve my perfect record?
During escort
Caracotl: I've got a bad feeling about this trip. Wait...did you hear that?
Hylek Amini: Give up your goods, or no mercy!
Hylek Nahualli: You will know pain!
Hylek Cuicani: Someone wants a fight!
Caracotl: So far, so good. Anyone see any flies? I eat when I'm nervous.
Hylek Tlamatini: Surrender your goods!
Hylek Nahualli: No mercy!
Hylek Amini: Hand over your goods, or else.
Just before reaching destination
Caracotl: So close! There's no way I'm turning around now.
Event success
Caracotl: That wasn't so bad. I probably could have made it without you, but thanks all the same.
Event success while Kill the Cuatl thieves is active
Caracotl: Thieves! It seems my trip isn't quite over yet.
Event failure
Caracotl: I can't deliver damaged goods. I'll need to resupply before trying again.


  • The event fails if Caracotl dies. She will run back to Desider Atum and stand next to Flimm until she is ready to try again.