Escort Captain Guida and her team back to Cadrigan's Jetty

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Escort Captain Guida and her team back to Cadrigan's Jetty

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort Captain Guida and her team back to Cadrigan's Jetty is a level 73 event in Sea of Elon. If the event is in progress, Helmi Seadrinker will inform players about it.


  • Captain Guida
  • Event bar.jpg Event shield (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 12,936 Experience.png 347 Karma 81 Copper coin
Silver 10,996 Experience.png 295 Karma 69 Copper coin
Bronze 9,702 Experience.png 260 Karma 61 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 73 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.





After Guida and her team is revived
Captain Guida: That was one tough ride. Thanks for your help.
Captain Guida: We'll have to swim back to the jetty, team. Let's hope nothing else shows up.
After the team is back on shore
Helmi Seadrinker: Guida! You made it back alive. What happened out there?
Captain Guida: A Risen captain happened. No way our sub could stand to that.
Captain Guida: We're lucky to be alive but soaking wet after having to swim for it.


  • This event appears to only occur when the southern invasion has failed. When the invasion is successful, the Blubloop events seem to occur instead.