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Escort Alchemist Patli to the Nuhoch Trail

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Escort Alchemist Patli to the Nuhoch Trail

Interactive map

Interactive map

Escort Alchemist Patli to the Nuhoch Trail is a level 80 event that starts in Teku Nuhoch. Players must escort Alchemist Patli through Northern Confluence Tunnel to Nuhoch Lane to study how mushroom spores interact with chak. Along the way players will be faced by saurian, chak and mushroom enemies.


  • Alchemist Patli
  • Event bar.jpg


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 26,670 Experience.png 378 Karma 88 Copper coin
Silver 20,003 Experience.png 284 Karma 66 Copper coin
Bronze 13,335 Experience.png 189 Karma 44 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 80 player.





Event start
Alchemist Patli: Look at how those spores calmed the beetles. Maybe they would calm the chak.
Alchemist Patli: Come along! I think this is worth a try.