Empathic Bond/history
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March 19, 2024
- This trait has moved to the master tier, replacing Shared Anguish. This trait now cleanses conditions when swapping pets instead of when using a Beast skill.
Empathic Bond
- Specialization
Wilderness Survival
- Tier
- Master
- Type
- Major
- Game link
“— In-game description
February 14, 2023
- Empathic Bond: This trait has been reworked. It now causes beast skills to remove conditions from the ranger and their pet.
Empathic Bond
- Specialization
Wilderness Survival
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Major
- Game link
“Using a Beast trait[sic] removes conditions from you and your pet.
Swapping pets recharges this trait.— In-game description
August 08, 2017
- Empathic Bond: This trait has been reworked and now splits the duration of conditions applied to you between you and your pet.
Empathic Bond
- Specialization
Wilderness Survival
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Major
- Game link
“Empathic BondCondition durations are split between you and your pet.
Conditions are not split while your pet is downed.
: 50%Personal Condition Duration : 80%Personal Condition Duration : 50%Pet Condition Duration : 20%Pet Condition Duration— In-game description
June 23, 2015
- Empathic Bond: Updated this trait to reflect the introduction of the specialization mechanic.
Empathic Bond
- Specialization
Wilderness Survival
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Major
- Game link
“— In-game description
April 15, 2014
- Empathic Bond: Fixed a bug so conditions will only be transferred when the pet is alive.
February 26, 2013
- Empathic Bond: Fixed a bug that wouldn't apply transferred conditions to pets.
- This trait now transfers three conditions to the ranger's pet every 10 seconds rather than all of them.
Empathic Bond
- Specialization
Wilderness Survival
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Major
“— In-game description
Original version
Empathic Bond
- Specialization
Wilderness Survival
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Major
“Empathic BondPets periodically take conditions from you.
— In-game description