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Dorcha is a sylvari resident of The Grove. She can be found in The Song Bower, north of Constellation Shelter. She has become depressed since her closest friend abandoned the Dream of Dreams and became a Soundless.
- I'm afraid I won't be good company just now. My closest friend, whom I've known since we awakened, has abandoned the Dream.
- (If sylvari)
- I'm afraid so. He said he could no longer tolerate the "emotional noise". He felt his empathy very keenly, I think. He has a huge heart. But, it was too much for him.
- He felt buffeted by the emotions of others. He was swept along with heir[sic] sadness, fear, and even their joy. And he didn't always know why he was feeling those things. He hated it.
- He learned to cut himself off and left to join others like him. The last time I saw him, I felt nothing from him. He simply said good-bye and walked away. How could he be so empty?
- I'm sorry for your loss.
What happened to him?
- I understand.
But why?
- I understand your pain.
He became Soundless?
- (If non-sylvari)
- We call them Soundless. Some of our people can't tolerate having an emphatic connection to those around them. They feel the emotions of others too profoundly.
- They learn to cut themselves off completely from their empathy. Their world becomes silent, empty. They usually leave to live alone or with other Soundless.
- Yes. Last time I saw him, I couldn't sense him like I usually can. He said good-bye and walked away. How could he be so empty?
- I have no answers for you. Good-bye.
And you said your friend did this?
- It must take strength of will to do that.
So, what do they do?
- Emotions can be trouble. Good-bye.
How does one abandon the Dream?
- I'll leave you be, then.