Defeat Risen guarding the Plaza of Lost Wisdom ruins

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Defeat Risen guarding the Plaza of Lost Wisdom ruins

Interactive map

Interactive map

Defeat Risen guarding the Plaza of Lost Wisdom ruins is a level 73 event that occurs in Strait of Malediction. After completion the npcs will attempt to open a chest and fail, leading to Help Explorer Rokk and Scholar Rolla escape the Plaza of Lost Wisdom ruins. These events will continue to repeat fairly quickly, and it's unlikely that there's any other way for things to play out. There's also nothing important behind the Plaza of Lost Wisdom door.


  • Veteran Risen Acolyte
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png
  • Veteran Risen Noble
  • Event bar.jpg Event boss (tango icon).png


Reward tier Experience Karma Coin
Gold 12,936 Experience.png 347 Karma 81 Copper coin
Silver 10,996 Experience.png 295 Karma 69 Copper coin
Bronze 9,702 Experience.png 260 Karma 61 Copper coin
These are the expected rewards for a level 73 player. Higher level players receive dynamically adjusted rewards.






Explorer Rokk: We've arrived. Do you have the device?
Scholar Rolla: Charged and ready. Lead the way.
Explorer Rokk: Quickly, release the device.
Scholar Rolla: Bombs away!
Explorer Rokk: Splendid. It's all clear.
Scholar Rolla: A fine example of Pact ingenuity. I can see our mission objective ahead. Follow me.
Scholar Rolla: Hmmm.
Scholar Rolla: Interesting.
Scholar Rolla: I'll try opening it this way.
Explorer Rokk: Place this mission aside. We have more pressing matters at hand!
Event start
Veteran Risen Noble: Invaders! Die!
After defeating both Veterans
Explorer Rokk: Ha ha! And you feared we wouldn't come back alive from this mission.
Scholar Rolla: Let's finish what we came here to do.
Explorer Rokk: Don't forget, the object is almost certainly booby trapped[sic].
Scholar Rolla: You don't have to remind me.
Rolla attempts to open the coffer. Both she and Rokk are immediately killed and the next event starts.