Compounding Chemicals/history
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June 25, 2024
- This trait now also removes a condition from the user when they use an elixir skill.
Compounding Chemicals
- Specialization
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Minor
- Game link
“Compounding ChemicalsHeal yourself when you grant yourself a boon. Remove a condition from yourself when you use an elixir skill. Gain increased concentration.
- Healing: 37 (0.023)?
- Conditions Removed: 1
Concentration: +240 Concentration: +75— In-game description
March 17, 2020
- Compounding Chemicals: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from granting 75 concentration in PvP & WvW.
February 25, 2020
- Compounding Chemicals: (Competitive split) Reduced concentration from 240 to 75.
Compounding Chemicals
- Specialization
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Minor
- Game link
“Compounding ChemicalsHeal yourself when you grant yourself a boon. Gain increased concentration.
- Healing: 37 (0.023)?
Concentration: +240 Concentration: +75— In-game description
Original version
Compounding Chemicals
- Specialization
- Tier
- Grandmaster
- Type
- Minor
- Game link
“Compounding ChemicalsHeal yourself when you grant yourself a boon. Gain increased concentration.
- Healing: 37 (0.0223)?
- : 240
Attribute Adjust— In-game description