Commander Keynes

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Commander Keynes


Interactive map

Commander Keynes can be found at the Nightguard Beach refugee camp, in the Harathi Hinterlands.



I'm exhausted. This was with the centaurs has been going on since before my great-grandfather was born. It's insane. The only reason I'm here fighting is because if we don't fight back, they'll annihilate us.
Talk more option tango.png What is this place?
Friend, you've stumbled on the Seraphs' best-kept secret in this neighborhood. This little camp is our staging area for forays into centaur territory.
Talk more option tango.png Why are you hiding in a cave?
We're being sneaky. It does you no good to assault the enemy unless you have a secure base to return to when fate against you. In here, the centaurs don't bother us because they can't find us.
Talk more option tango.png How do the refugees come into this?
They're trouble. I do feel bad for them. They've been driven out of their homes, after all. But this supposed to be a hidden base. With a bunch of civilians wandering around, it's hard to stay hidden.
Talk end option tango.png That's got to be a challenge.
Talk end option tango.png Got it.
Talk end option tango.png Good luck to you.
Talk end option tango.png Hang in there.
During Capture Shorebluff Camp
We've begun the assault on Shorebluff Camp. Can I count on you for support?
Tick green.png Point me in the right direction.
Talk end option tango.png I'm needed elsewhere.