Living World Season 4 content

Champion Branded Dredge Excavator

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Champion Branded Dredge Excavator

Champion Branded Dredge Excavators are more powerful versions of regular Branded Dredge Excavators.


Shiverpeak Mountains

Event involvement[edit]

Event swords (tango icon).png [Group Event] Clear the Branded from the keep (80) (only when upscaled)
Event shield (tango icon).png [Group Event] Help Miner Mikhail restore and defend the oil drills (80) (only when upscaled)
Event shield (tango icon).png Help Tirabikkr look for the Light of Deldrimor (80) (only when upscaled)

Combat abilities[edit]

  • Ground Burst - Tunnels underground to the target and then leaps up, dealing damage.
  • Shockwave - Leaps in the air, creating Branded crystals in a cone in front itself that shatter.
  • Slash - Basic melee auto-attack.
Stolen skills