The Icebrood Saga content

Capture control points, enable poison wells, and defeat immunized oozes

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Capture control points, enable poison wells, and defeat immunized oozes

Interactive map

Interactive map

Capture control points, enable poison wells, and defeat immunized oozes is a level 80 group event that occurs in The Ooze Pit during the The Ooze Pit Trials meta event. It is accessed by pledging to Blood Legion while talking to Blood Legion Captain, which grants the Blood Legion Pledge.png Blood Pledge effect.


  • Control points held: 0/3
  • Capture Point 1
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag green (map icon).png
  • Capture Point 2
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag green (map icon).png
  • Capture Point 3
  • Event bar empty2.jpg Event flag green (map icon).png
  • Use specialized poisons to defeat immunized oozes.
  • Event bar.jpg


Players need to evenly spread to 3 capture points and held them for a brief amount of time. After capturing all three points, the next phase of the event begins. Three immunized oozes will spawn. Each of them with different color – Red Toxin Well (overhead icon).png Red, Blue Toxin Well (overhead icon).png Blue, and Green Toxin Well (overhead icon).png Green. There are also spawned pools of poison across the arena with same colors. To damage the immunized ooze you have to wear Effect with the same color as the ooze you are trying to kill. To receive the appropriate effect, you have to walk into the colored pool. In other words to damage red immunized ooze you have to walk across the red poison pool to receive red effect.

If you try to damage immunized ooze without appropriate effect you will deal 0 damage.





During event
Blood Legion Captain: Hurry up! Ash and Iron are closing in. Don't blow this for me!
Blood Legion Captain: If it was easy, it would be an Ash or Iron operation.
When immunized oozes spawns
Blood Legion Captain: Turns out some oozes are vulnerable to specific poison. Step into the wells to charge your attacks!
Blood Legion Captain: Each toxin breaks down a specific ooze. Don't lose control of the regions, or the wells shut down!
Event success
Blood Legion Captain: Uh-oh. The ooze absorbed magic from the soil and is acting...strange.

See also[edit]