Camrin Neckbreak

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Camrin Neckbreak


Interactive map

Camrin Neckbreak is a soldier stationed at the Tuyere Command Post.



Combat abilities[edit]

  • Brutal Strike - hits foe with a final brutal strike.
  • Greatsword Slice - a simple sword slash.
  • Shout - may remove conditions.
  • Whirlwind Attack - whirls in a target's direction, slashing foes along the path.


Have to stay in fighting shape if we hope to win out over the Flame Legion.
Talk more option tango.png What do you mean?
Sparring! Keeps you fit. Keeps you ready for battle. What do you say? Up for a round or two?
Talk combat option tango.png Let's do it!
Talk end option tango.png Not right now, but thanks for the offer.
Talk end option tango.png Sure do.