Brewmaster Chug'iggik
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Brewmaster Chug'iggik
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Brewmaster Chug'iggik is brewing strong beer in New Skrittstead. Helping him with his beer will help assist the skritt with their fortifications.
Heart involvement[edit]
- Before heart completion
- What you want? I have beer to make! Shoo, bug, shoo.
- Spare Parts in inventory Here, have some spare machine parts. if you have
- Sik'klak said you need help.
- Help? Yes, skritt drinking too much, beer-makers need fixing, and tasting testing needs to be done.
- Lightweights! Fell over drunk, they did. Pfft. Wake them so they do their workstuffs. A boot in the head will work, yes.
- Okay. What else can I help with?
- I can do that.
That explains all these passed-out skritt.
- Repairs, yes. Find parts from junk piles and give them to me!
- Okay. What else can I help with?
- I'm on it.
So, the distilleries need repairs?
- As brewmaster, I must know how current batch of beer tastes! Try it for me, please? Please, please?
- Be careful, you. Sometimes beer too strong, and skritt go falling all over the place!
- I'll keep that in mind.
Bring it on!
- Okay. What else can I help with?
- Since you asked so nicely...
I could be persuaded to taste-test your beer.
- I'll get right on it.
- I'll let you get back to work.
- After heart completion
- Beer in fine shape, <character name>. You very helpful, okay, yes. Will tell chief that "Packet" is good.
- Good luck, brewmaster.
- Goes into hiding during events.