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The Desolation (achievements)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the achievement category. For the zone, see The Desolation.

The Desolation is an achievement category for achievements earned in The Desolation.

The Desolation.png
The Desolation (Path of Fire)
Total achievements: 32 Path of Fire mastery point 147Achievement points


  1. ^ A Family's Sacrifice: After reading the note found on the Awakened Corpse, enter the Forbidden Vault and speak to the Betrothed Villager, then head to the Elon Riverlands and seek out Defector Basma east of Palawa's Grace.
  2. ^ Bone Palace Pinnacle: You need to step on the large wooden platform to unlock the achievement. You can skip most of the springer jumping by flying to the Palace with a griffon from the Djinn Enclave. Using Bond of Vigor lets you land right on the platform without any need for jumps.
  3. ^ Dance Till You Drop: Do the /dance emote in front of the Abaddon statue east of Blind Faith. (See Path of the Gods.)