Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons content

The Echovald Wilds (achievements)

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Disambig icon.png This article is about the achievement category. For the zone, see The Echovald Wilds.

The Echovald Wilds is an achievement category for achievements earned in The Echovald Wilds.

The Echovald Wilds.png
The Echovald Wilds (End of Dragons)
Total achievements: 48 End of Dragons mastery point 140Achievement points


  1. ^ An Impostor Walks among Us: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: An Impostor Walks among Us effect.
  2. ^ Avian Sharpshooter: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Ten Arrows, Ten Targets effect.
  3. ^ Avian Sharpshooter: Strike 10 targets in a row during Event star (tango icon).png Compete with tengu youngsters in the archery contest (80).
  4. ^ Both Hale and Hearty: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Both Hale and Hearty effect.
  5. ^ Cultures of Echovald: The Tengu: Complete the event chain that starts with Event star (tango icon).png Compete with tengu youngsters in the archery contest (80).
  6. ^ Cultures of Echovald: The Wardens: Complete the event chain that starts with Event collect (tango icon).png [Group Event] Gather fungal residue to stabilize Verasha, the Speaker defector (80).
  7. ^ Dance like Bei Fung Is Watching: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Dance Like Bei Fung Is Watching effect.
  8. ^ Dance like Bei Fung Is Watching: Use the /dance emote in front of her mech after starting Event star (tango icon).png Escort Bei's mech on their patrol of the Xunlai Jade Junkyard (80).
  9. ^ Dancing Barefoot: Use the /dance emote, without wearing boots, inside Secret Cavern airship.
  10. ^ Friend to Testudines: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Friend to Testudines effect.
  11. ^ Not Too Worse for Wear: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Not Too Worse for Wear effect.
  12. ^ Raptor Runner: Echovald Wilds: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Raptor Runner: Echovald Wilds effect.
  13. ^ Saboteur in Our Midst: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Saboteur in Our Midst effect.
  14. ^ Slippery as a Fish: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Slippery as a Fish effect.
  15. ^ Springer Fling: Echovald Wilds: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Springer Fling: Echovald Wilds effect.
  16. ^ Sticky Fingers: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Sticky Fingers effect.
  17. ^ Supernaturally Sneaky: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Supernaturally Sneaky effect.
  18. ^ Theft Deterrence: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Theft Deterrence effect.
  19. ^ Vengeance Is Not Yours: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Vengeance Is Not Yours effect.
  20. ^ Ward Nemesis: Achievement eligibility is tracked by the Achievement effect.png Achievement Eligibility: Ward Nemesis effect.


  • The name of the achievement "An Impostor Walks among Us" is a reference to the popular video game Among Us.