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User Konig Des Todes border char2.png
User Smøni Guardian Background.jpg
Gabriel Alexandros
Gabriel Alexandros
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Guild: Dwayna's Servants
Order: Vigil
Profession: Engineer
Crafting Profession(s): Armorsmith, Weaponsmith
My most useful tool is my Visionary's Scarf.
Trouble may follow, but I use my Dignity to overcome it.
I was raised by common folk.
One of my biggest regrets is that I never recovered my sister's body.
Everyone said I was blessed by Dwayna when I was young.
I am Gabriel Alexandros, this is my story:
Born: 1299 AE
Gabriel cannot bear to see a fellow being in trouble nor pain. He will try his utmost to protect them from harm for as long as they are together. He believes this is his God-given duty and will train to be the best Guardian ever to come from Tyria.
User Smøni Thief Background.jpg
Adeline Reynolds
Adeline Reynolds
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Guild: Lyssa's Deceivers
Order: Order of Whispers
Profession: Mesmer
Crafting Profession(s): Tailor, Jeweler
I am hidden in the shadows, yet to be revealed.
Trouble may follow, but I use my Charm to overcome it.
I was raised among the nobility.
One of my biggest regrets is that I've never searched for my true parents.
Everyone said I was blessed by Lyssa when I was young.
I am Adeline Reynolds, this is my story:
Born: 1290 AE
User Smøni Thief Background.jpg
Race: Asura
Gender: Male
Guild: The Eternal Gears
Order: Order of Whispers
Profession: Engineer
Crafting Profession(s): Armorsmith, Weaponsmith
My most useful tool is my Universal Multi-Tool.
Trouble may follow, but I use my Dignity to overcome it.
I am a member of the college of Dynamics.
My first creation was an Infinity Ball.
My first advisor, the one who taught me almost everything I know (almost), was Bronk.
I am Wixx, this is my story:
Born: 1290 AE
User Smøni Thief Background.jpg
Velia Ashdagger
Velia Ashdagger
Race: Charr
Gender: Female
Guild: Shadow Thieves
Order: Order of Whispers
Profession: Thief
Crafting Profession(s): Weaponsmith, Leatherworker
In my line of work, it's important to understand the power of Anonimity.
Trouble may follow, but I use my Ferocity to overcome it.
I am proud to be an Ash Legion soldier.
I would die for my warband, especially Clawspur, my sparring partner.
They tell me the soldier that sired me is a Loyal Soldier.
I am Velia Ashdagger, this is my story:
Born: 1305 AE
Velia lives in the shadows. She enjoys silently stalking her prey before making the killing strike.
User Smøni Ranger Background.jpg
Ulysses Bloodbow
Ulysses Bloodbow
Race: Charr
Gender: Male
Guild: Arrows of Blood Legion
Order: Vigil
Profession: Ranger
Crafting Profession(s): Leatherworker, Huntsman
My pet Stalker fights at my side and guards my back.
Trouble may follow, but I use my Ferocity to overcome it.
I am proud to be a Blood Legion soldier.
I would die for my warband, especially Maverick, my sparring partner.
They tell me the soldier that sired me is a Honorless Gladium.
I am Ulysses Bloodbow, this is my story:
Born: 1304 AE
Grahl feels at home in the woods, he much prefers to spend time in the countryside rather than in built-up areas. He doesn't command his bestial companions, he understands them and nature at a deep level.
User Smøni Warrior Background.jpg
Gunnbjørn Ragnarsson
Gunnbjørn Ragnarsson
Race: Norn
Gender: Male
Guild: Bears of Frostgorge Sound
Order: Durmand Priory
Profession: Warrior
Crafting Profession(s): Weaponsmith, Armorsmith
I wear a Spangenhelm on the battlefield. Because of this I am recognized and given proper respect.
Trouble may follow, but I use my Ferocity to overcome it.
The most important quality of a great hero is Strength.
At a recent celebratory moot held in Hoelbrak, I Blacked Out.
When I was still a cub, I had a vision. A Spirit of the Wild spoke to me and offered its guardianship. That spirit was Bear.
I am Gunnbjørn Ragnarsson, this is my story:
Born: 1298 AE
Gunnbjorn loves nothing more than to go on a hunt or adventure with friends. If there's a trophy to be claimed or a worthy foe to vanquish, Gunnbjorn will try his hardest to do so; for it is the memory of him that will live on long after he has died.
User Smøni Necromancer Background.jpg
Race: Sylvari
Gender: Male
Guild: Lords of decay
Order: Order of Whispers
Profession: Necromancer
Crafting Profession(s): Tailor, Artificer
A necromancer's closest companion is death. In acknowledgement of this, I mark my face with the symbol of a Skull.
Trouble may follow, but I use my Charm to overcome it.
I dreamed of a quest that calls me to action. It was a vision of the The Shield of the Moon.
I believe that the most important of Ventari's teachings is "Act with wisdom, but act".
The Pale Tree awakened me during the Cycle of Night.
I am Gheimhridh, this is my story:
Born: 1305 AE
Obsessed with the generation and degeneration of all living things, Gheimhridh revels in being a Necromancer. He spends his time reanimating corpses and makes them do his bidding.
User Shewmake backgroundElementalist.jpg
Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Guild: The Asuran Technorati
Order: Durmand Priory
Profession: Elementalist
Crafting Profession(s): Artificer, Tailor
I study all the elements, but I wear a circlet that symbolizes my love of Air.
Trouble may follow, but I use my Charm to overcome it.
I am a member of the college of Synergetics.
I am Jexxa, this is my story:
Born: 1306 AE
Being a technologically minded Asura, Jexxa wanted to feel the raw power of fire and electricity, and so she became an Elementalist to get close to these elements.